Terms & Conditions

You might incur additional charges if you return the vehicle at a different time or place to that agreed with us or if it is in a particularly dirty or smelly condition. Smoking in the vehicle is prohibited will incur an extra charge for cleaning.

You should check the vehicle carefully for damage before you drive away and record any variations on the Vehicle Condition Report. This helps to avoid damage disputes on return.

You are responsible to us if the vehicle is lost or damaged, as well as for traffic fines and other charges that arise during the rental period.

If we agree to return outside location hours, please be aware that you will be responsible for the vehicle until our staff locate it when the location re-opens.

Your rental is provided with a full tank of fuel. You can either return the vehicle full or pay for us to refill the tank for you at the rate shown on your Rental Agreement.

Although there is normally no limit on distance covered during your rental, some exceptions may apply which will be shown on your Rental Agreement.


  • Ours: We are responsible to you for providing the vehicle in good overall and operating condition and for replacing the vehicle in the event of breakdown. It does not extend to other losses arising from your rental unless they are a direct and foreseeable result of our negligence or breach of these Rental Terms. In this case our responsibility to you will not cover loss of profits or loss of opportunity.
  • Yours: You must care for, use and return the vehicle in accordance with this Rental Agreement.

If your rental is for 28 days or longer you must return the vehicle to one of our rental locations at least every 28th days or at any time when requested by us. We reserve the right to terminate this Rental Agreement at any time by giving you 30 days’ notice either orally or in writing.


The vehicle belongs to Paradise Car Rentals and you may not sub-rent, transfer or sell it. You may not use the vehicle to:

  1. To carry passengers for remuneration (e.g. as a taxi or car sharing arrangement or similar).
  2. To tow or push any vehicle, trailer or other object (without our express permission).
  3. To carry anything which may harm the vehicle (including explosive or combustible materials) or delay our ability to rent the vehicle again (because of its condition or smell).
  4. To take part in any race, rally or other contest.

Authorized drivers: Only the renter and any other person authorized by us may drive the vehicle, although they may not drive if they are over-tired or under the influence of any substance that may impair their consciousness or ability to react, such as alcohol, drugs or certain medication.